Current Projects

Mosul, Iraq

We are currently working to establish a new business hub in the western part of Mosul, Iraq. As we get to know the greatest needs in the area, we are raising support to help cover the cost of site visits, and establishing a presence in the city.

The History

Between 2014 and 2017, the city of Mosul in northern Iraq was occupied and controlled by the extreme Jihadist group, ISIS. Families living in the city, who were unable to escape during this time, were forced to endure hardship and immense suffering caused by the atrocities committed by this group. The battle in 2016 and 2017 to defeat ISIS was the largest urban warfare in the world since WW2. Now, free again, many people have returned to the city of Mosul, but employment opportunities are scarce, particularly for women and the youth.


Mosul suffered incredible damage during the fighting, particularly in the west of the city. The area was primarily a residential area, and was also the ISIS stronghold at that time. The city has since undergone significant rebuilding, however a massive amount of destruction remains. Whilst rebuilding may eliminate the physical signs of the fighting, mental and emotional scars remain significant, particularly in the lives of young children. There is still work to do.